Kiroyan Partners’ Public Affairs Experts (PAX) Talk 2018 has been held on July 11, 2018 at Raffles Hotel Jakarta, presenting Phillips Vermonte (CSIS Indonesia), Jalal (Social Investment Indonesia), Noke Kiroyan (Kiroyan Partners), and Ang Shih-Huei (Klareco Communications) as key speakers with the theme of “Social and Political Impacts to Business During Political Years: Moving from Challenges to Opportunities”.
It discussed about the potential impact that the socio-political dynamics of simultaneous regional elections that may have on business needs to be carefully considered. Indeed, social and political factors have more and more significance to the business environment that may present risks and opportunities.
The insightful discussion was attended by participants from various companies, chambers of commerce, media, and CSOs. Some key takeaways of the event are the followings:
- To be able to adapt to the socio-political dynamics in Indonesia, companies need to have the capacity to conduct issues management and analysis.
- Multi-stakeholders approach ― not focusing only on government ― is important in addressing complex issues from public affairs perspectives in Indonesia.
- The digital aspect in multi-channel stakeholder engagement has increasingly become something that companies need to consider in communicating its messages when responding, or anticipating, public issues.
- From a social responsibility and sustainability perspective, the alignment of SDGs and CSR provide opportunities for companies in Indonesia to build good relationships with the government and contribute to development as governments become more aware about integrating SDGs in their policies.
Brief summary of the discussion in our PAXTalk 2018 can be downloaded here.
And below are some documentations of this event.