our company

Kiroyan Partners is a research based public affairs and strategic communications consulting firm that aspires to build strong reputations and solve challenges between businesses and their stakeholders by applying ethical, responsible communications.

With a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach, we help our clients fully grasp stakeholder expectations and societal concerns to develop narratives and communication strategies designed to foster support from stakeholders and the society.

We help our clients plan and implement communications and engagement strategies designed to grab and maintain stakeholder support. Our services also help companies enhance, and, in some cases, restore their reputations.

Founded in 2006 by Noke Kiroyan, Kiroyan Partners brings together a diverse team of experts and specialists that are well-versed in domestic social dynamics and the role they play in responsible business behavior.

Our team is backed by an Advisory Council of reputable executives who have held influential positions in Indonesia, and who use their experience and insight to refine strategies and shape effective solutions.

This is what sets Kiroyan Partners apart: a powerful blend of talent and experience combined with a commitment to sustainable development, high-principled corporate governance, and the values of CSR.

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vision mission

To become a leader in the active promotion of sustainable business practices in Indonesia.

To provide workable business solutions that adhere to good corporate governance and corporate social responsibility principles as well as provide a cultural bridge between Indonesia and the international business community.

The Global Compact

PT KOMUNIKASI KINERJA (Kiroyan Partners) supports the ten principles of the Global Compact in respect to human rights, labor rights, the protection of the environment and anti-corruption. We advance those principles within our sphere of influence, and commit to making the Global Compact and its principles part of our strategy, culture, and day-to-day operations of our company. We support public accountability and transparency, and undertake to make a clear statement of this commitment – both to our employees, partners, clients and to the public.

Our latest Sustainability Report is publicly available at the Global Compact website. Click below to download the PDF version.

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business ethics

Kiroyan Partners was established on a set of principles that guide every aspect of our work and our approach. These principles are:

  • Kiroyan Partners - Business Ethics
    We always conduct business according to a strict code of ethics and social responsibility.
  • Kiroyan Partners - Business Ethics
    All of our clients and stakeholders are treated with personal integrity and fairness - it’s the least we can do.
  • Kiroyan Partners - Business Ethics
    It is essential for our firm, team members, and business partners to trust one another. Without trust, we cannot address our clients’ needs effectively.
  • Kiroyan Partners - Business Ethics
    Throughout all our operations, no matter how big or small, we treat everyone with respect.
  • Kiroyan Partners - Business Ethics
    By constantly working to enhance our team members’ knowledge and skills, we are able to deliver maximum value to our clients.
  • Kiroyan Partners - Business Ethics
    Collaboration is key. In our experience, teamwork produces far stronger results than individual processes.
  • Kiroyan Partners - Business Ethics
    We must excel in whatever we do, and especially in our areas of expertise.
  • Kiroyan Partners - Business Ethics
    We adhere to strict professionalism at all times.
  • Kiroyan Partners - Business Ethics
    We value our clients as business partners with whom we’ve built long-term relationships based on mutual trust and respect.

legal structure


Noke Kiroyan
Executive Chairman

Anang Rizkani Noor
Vice Chairman

Moetaryanto Poerwoaminoto

Janny Kiroyan


Verlyana Hitipeuw
Chief Executive Officer  

Masayu Yulien Vinanda


operational structure

senior advisory council

Dr. Marzuki Darusman
Chairman & Senior Advisor

Dr. M.A.S. Hikam
Senior Advisor

Rear-Adm. (ret.) Yoost F. Mengko
Senior Advisor

Air Chief Marshall (ret.) Chappy Hakim
Senior Advisor

Prof. Dr. Anwar Nasution
Senior Advisor

Lieutenant Gen. (ret.) Agus Widjojo
Senior Advisor

Teuku Mohammad Hamzah Thayeb
Senior Advisor

Dr. Ronny Adhikarya
Senior Advisor

council of experts

Dr. Maria R. Nindita Radyati
Chairwoman of the Council of Expert and Senior Expert on Business & Social Responsibility

Dr. Gregoria Arum Yudarwati
Senior Expert on Communications

Dr. Irwandy Arif
Senior Expert on Mining

Dr. Philips Vermonte
Senior Expert on Political Affairs

Dr. Bayu Prawira Hie
Senior Expert on Healthcare & Digital Transformation

Farahdiba Tenrilemba
Senior Expert on Health Communication & Development Issues

consulting team

Noke Kiroyan

Verlyana Hitipeuw
Chief Executive Officer & Chief Consultant

Masayu Yulien Vinanda
Director & Principal Consultant

Rahmad Budi Harto
Lead Consultant

Margareth Olivia
Senior Consultant & Media Analyst

Made Intan Iswari Satria
Senior Consultant

Adi Abidin
Public Policy & Stakeholder Management Specialist

Talita Putriyanti
Communications Specialist

Beringin Kusuma
Public Affairs Specialist

Muhammad Fajar Fadhillah
Communications Specialist

Dita Ramadhani
Communications Specialist

Rizky Akbar Ibrahim

Muhammad Abqori Gunawan

Salma Fadhila Noviandra

Karl Gading Sayudha

Radhynka Andyaputri
Project Assistant

Eugenia Angesti Meganingtyas
Project Assistant


Vicaria Leiwakabessy
Administration & HR Manager

Muhamad Adriansyah
Accounting & Administration Officer

let's work together

Tell us about your project brief or just contact us